Midlife Mayhem

Welcome to Midlife Mayhem, where we embark on an empowering journey through the world of midlife body composition transformation. In this space, we challenge the misconceptions surrounding aging and redefine what’s possible for those navigating the exhilarating terrain of midlife and beyond. Join me as we explore the science, mindset shifts, and practical strategies that can help you sculpt the body of your dreams, proving that age is no barrier to achieving peak vitality and confidence. Whether you’re seeking to shed excess weight, gain lean muscle, or simply feel more vibrant, this podcast is your trusted companion in the pursuit of a healthier, stronger, and more resilient you. Welcome to a new era of limitless possibilities in midlife body transformation. ”Hi I’m Joanne, and I have been coaching body composition for over 30 years. I’ve worked with household names that you know, and I have worked with thousands of people in my group coaching programs. I was a pro bodybuilder in the 90’s with a top 10 physique in the world, but I only knew how to be in shape and out of shape. That frustration led me on a fascinating path of self-study where I found all the answers I could have asked for and more. But I had to dig for the answers, and I have my own ideas on why those answers are not mainstream and why the weight loss industry fails you, but I will save that for a Midlife Mayhem episode. Author of ”When Calories & Cardio Don’t Cut It”New podcast weblog

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7 hours ago

7 hours ago

We’ve all been there—feeling intensely motivated and driven, convinced that our actions will lead to massive results. Often, this surge of determination hits in January, and we call it "predictive bias." Predictive bias occurs when we base our beliefs and goals on how we feel in a single, fleeting moment. Typically, this happens after a rough patch—perhaps training fell off track, and your eating habits followed suit. You feel so frustrated that you vow to come back stronger than ever.
This is the New Year's resolution mindset: a reaction to holiday indulgence that leads to extreme plans like signing up for a 60-day challenge or committing to daily cardio and a super-restrictive diet. It's fueled by predictive bias—the belief in your ability based on how you feel right now. Unfortunately, this approach often fails, leading to burnout and frustration that can linger for the rest of the year.
Predictive bias is driven by "want" without a clear "how." We set big goals fueled by emotion, but without a plan, they quickly fall apart. In my Keynote 2024 program, I’m here to change that by giving you the exact "how-tos" and "whys" of my upcoming coaching series before the holiday season even begins. My goal is to fascinate and inspire you with the topics we’ll cover next year. More importantly, I want you to see their relevance and leave knowing exactly how to implement the strategies I’ll be coaching.
October 20 - November 16
"Get ready to be fascinated by this year’s game-changing highlights—designed to inspire you through the holidays and launch you into the new year stronger than ever!"

5 days ago

Navigating Alcohol in Midlife: Understanding Metabolism, Tolerance, and Impact on Health 
As we approach or find ourselves in midlife, our bodies undergo significant changes that affect how we process and respond to everyday substances, including alcohol.  Alcohol Tolerance and Its Midlife Decline 
Alcohol tolerance refers to how the body responds to alcohol over time. As people age, their tolerance to alcohol typically decreases. This is partly due to the reduced activity of ADH and ALDH enzymes but also to changes in body composition. As muscle mass decreases and body fat increases with age, the body's ability to dilute alcohol diminishes. Older adults may find that even small amounts of alcohol can result in stronger effects or a more prolonged hangover than they experienced in their younger years.
Alcohol's Effect on Performance and Recovery Alcohol has been shown to impair muscle protein synthesis, the process by which the body builds and repairs muscle tissue. This impairment is due to both the direct effects of alcohol on muscle cells and its indirect effects, such as disrupting sleep and hydration status. Drinking alcohol, especially in moderate to large amounts, can also lead to dehydration, further compromising recovery and muscle function. For active adults aiming to build or preserve muscle mass, alcohol can undermine these efforts, leading to reduced gains and slower recovery times. 
Alcohol, Fat Burning, and Weight Management Alcohol is metabolized differently than other nutrients. The body treats it as a toxin, prioritizing its breakdown and clearance over other metabolic processes, such as burning fat for energy. When you consume alcohol, your body's fat-burning mechanisms (lipolysis) are effectively put on hold until the alcohol is processed.  
The topics for KEYNOTE are 
Identifying your body type, how to train and eat for it
How food is converted into fat and which macro is your best friend
How to read your own blood work
Hormone replacement & estrogen
GLP1 and appetite regulators
Posture and movement patterns
Belly fat & NNMT
Muscle loss with age - how to adjust your training and nutrition
Leaky gut and liver health
Temporary states - how to build muscle and lose fat in the same day
Leucine and how much protein 
How to change food preferences & habits
Growth vs Fixed mindset
Discipline, self control and self sabotage
If you havent worked with me before KEYNOTE would be a great way to experience how I coach, it offers you an idea of how my coaching progresses through all of my 5 progams.
If you have any questions please contact me jo@theshrinkshop.com
Until next time - I think I will talk about Andropause next podcast!


Monday Aug 19, 2024

Monday Aug 19, 2024

Glucagon - if you havent heard of it before, I suspect you will be hearing a lot more about it in the future.
Had you even heard of GLP two years ago
Did you even know what an "agonist" was a year ago? (do you know now?)
Glucagon is the kissing cousin of Insulin (I know you have heard of Insulin)
Insulin transports sugar out of the blood in times of excess, and Glucagon transports glucose INTO the blood in times of scarcity
What else does Glucagon do
Supresses appetite
Mobilizes fat stores
To be clear we have our own GLP1 & Glucagon which we can optimize with fasting, eating low carb, high protein reducing stress, not dieting to excess and sleeping well - and that would always be my suggestion and is what I preach in my coaching.
But watch out because on the horizon is the newest of the weight loss meds that utilizes the glucagon receptor.
This is becoming like that rollercoaster that seemed scary until you saw the next one and then the next!
If you are interested in the program I mention in this podcast www.midlifemonth.com
If you would like to be added to my contact list (no spam I promise) please email me at jo@theshrinkshop.com
If you are interested in my experience with 5 amino 1mq then go to my website www.theshrinkshop.com or a direct link 5amino.com  (no www)

"LEGS GO FIRST" Sacropenia

Thursday Aug 15, 2024

Thursday Aug 15, 2024

The phrase "legs go first" in bodybuilding refers to the observation that as people age, muscle loss (sarcopenia) tends to be more pronounced in the lower body compared to the upper body. Several factors contribute to this phenomenon:
Muscle Fiber Composition: The muscles in the lower body, such as those in the thighs and calves, are composed of a higher proportion of Type II (fast-twitch) muscle fibers. These fibers are more susceptible to atrophy with aging because they rely on neural stimulation and are less used in daily activities unless specifically targeted through resistance training.
Reduced Activity Levels: With age, people often become less active, particularly in activities that involve lower body strength, like running, jumping, or heavy lifting. The decline in physical activity, especially weight-bearing exercises, accelerates the loss of muscle mass in the legs.
Circulatory and Neurological Decline: Aging affects circulation and neural function, which can impair the delivery of nutrients and the effectiveness of muscle activation in the lower body. This can lead to a greater decline in leg strength and muscle mass.
Hormonal Changes: Hormonal shifts, particularly the decline in anabolic hormones like testosterone and growth hormone, can contribute to muscle loss. Since the legs have large muscle groups, they may require more anabolic stimulus to maintain muscle mass, making them more vulnerable to age-related muscle loss when these hormone levels drop.
Functional Decline: The lower body is heavily involved in daily activities like walking, climbing stairs, and standing up. As muscle strength declines, the functional decline is often most noticeable in the legs, which can create a cycle of reduced activity and further muscle loss.
Insufficient Protein: we need twice as much protein per meal than we did in our 20's and yet most >50 year olds eat significantly less. There is a certain protein per meal minimum we need to hit to achieve MPS (muscle protein synthesis) and we have to more deliberate with our protein goals as we get older.
Anabolic Resistance: goes hand in hand with insulin resistance. When the muscle become "resistant" it becomes problematic to get nutrients into the muscle for storage (glucose) but it also becomes very difficult to get nutrients into the muscle to feed it! With Anabolic Resistance muscles dont get fed and this too leads to muscle loss.
Mastering Midlife is my online group coaching program that starts Sept 2 - 28
My groups are large enough to be dynamic and small enough to be personal.  I do "coach" my programs, you will have full access to me (and me to you:)) 
For more information on Mastering Midlife please go to www.midlifemonth.com on that page there is a link should you want to book a complimentary call regarding the program.
I only run this program once a year, I know I am starting it on Labor day weekend :) its no biggie if you miss the first zoom as they are all recorded.
Questions? follow the link and book a call

5 Amino 1 mq my experience so far

Wednesday Aug 14, 2024

Wednesday Aug 14, 2024

5-Amino-1MQ (5-Amino-1-methylquinolinium) is a compound that has attracted significant interest for its potential health benefits, particularly in the areas of metabolism and weight management. The compound functions by inhibiting the enzyme nicotinamide N-methyltransferase (NNMT)
When I first read about this in 2022, I was pretty excited because NNMT plays a significant role in the changes many of us experience in mid-life and beyond.
NNMT (nicotinamide N-methyltransferase) is an enzyme that affects how the body processes certain molecules. This enzyme plays a significant role in metabolism, particularly in how the body stores fat and uses energy.
As we age, NNMT activity tends to increase. Higher NNMT activity is linked to increased fat storage and reduced energy levels. This can contribute to weight gain, slower metabolism, and a higher risk of metabolic issues like obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. The increase in NNMT with age is one reason why maintaining a healthy weight and energy levels can become more challenging as we age.
As the vast majority of my clients are over 40 (and because I'm 57!), I had to try 5 Amino 1 mq.
As I delved deeper into my research, I discovered even more potential benefits.
Key Benefits of 5-Amino-1MQ:
Enhancing Metabolism and Promoting Weight Loss: By inhibiting NNMT, 5-Amino-1MQ can boost metabolic activity, leading to increased energy expenditure. This helps reduce fat accumulation, making it easier to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.
5-Amino-1MQ helps reduce the size of fat cells by inhibiting the NNMT enzyme, which is involved in fat storage. When NNMT is blocked, the body is less likely to store fat, leading to smaller fat cells.
It also blocks the creation of new fat (a process called lipogenesis) by interfering with the pathways that turn nutrients into fat. This means the body produces less new fat overall. Even without a calorie deficit, 5-Amino-1MQ can promote fat loss by boosting metabolism and encouraging the body to burn stored fat for energy rather than storing more fat.
Lowering Appetite: One effect of 5-Amino-1MQ may be a reduction in appetite. By influencing metabolic pathways and possibly affecting appetite-regulating hormones, this compound can help reduce food intake, which is beneficial for those trying to manage their weight.
Lowering Cholesterol Levels: 5-Amino-1MQ has shown potential in reducing levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, commonly known as "bad" cholesterol. Lower LDL levels are associated with a decreased risk of heart disease and other cardiovascular issues.
Lowering Triglycerides: Triglycerides are a type of fat found in the blood, and high levels are linked to an increased risk of heart disease. 5-Amino-1MQ may help lower triglyceride levels, contributing to better cardiovascular health.
Increasing High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) Cholesterol: HDL cholesterol is often referred to as "good" cholesterol because it helps remove LDL cholesterol from the bloodstream. 5-Amino-1MQ may support an increase in HDL levels, further promoting cardiovascular health.
Reducing Inflammation: Chronic inflammation is a contributing factor to many health conditions, including obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. 5-Amino-1MQ has shown promise in reducing inflammatory markers, which could lead to improved overall health and a lower risk of inflammation-related diseases.
Reducing Cancer Risk: NNMT has been linked to the development and progression of certain cancers. By inhibiting this enzyme, 5-Amino-1MQ might help reduce the risk of cancer or slow the growth of existing cancer cells. This potential anti-cancer effect is still under active research.
Preserving Muscle Mass: Preserving muscle mass during weight loss is crucial for maintaining overall strength and metabolism. 5-Amino-1MQ may help balance muscle and fat metabolism, ensuring that muscle mass is retained even as fat is reduced. This is particularly beneficial for individuals seeking to improve body composition while losing weight.
While these potential benefits make 5-Amino-1MQ an exciting area of research, it's important to emphasize that much of the evidence is still emerging. The compound is not yet widely approved for clinical use.
I must stress that I am not making any claims or promises. What I want to share is my experience and Kevin's (my husband's) experience. I do not suggest, promote, or guarantee what your experience might be.
To find out more, pease visit my website 5amino.com

A New Era in Weight Loss

Saturday Jul 27, 2024

Saturday Jul 27, 2024

We have entered a new era in weight loss, it is both exciting and troubling.
The ramifications go beyond weighing less, societal norms and expectations will change, personal responsibility and commitment will change.
The one thing that will NOT change is the information needed to sustain success - in fact it will be more important than ever.
I offer this program once a year, but this year I am hoping to reach some of the providers of the new weight loss medications. The information and support I provide is the missing link for those seeking a permanent shift in their body composition (with or without meds)
This unique program is designed to tackle the common challenges of weight loss and gain during midlife and beyond. Discover why weight loss stalls, why weight tends to accumulate around the belly, and understand the six hormones driving these changes.
You'll receive meal plans focused on weight loss and muscle preservation, and I'll provide personalized coaching to help you create meals tailored to your goals. We'll explore essential supplements and provide comprehensive workout plans.
Midlife body composition is closely tied to midlife health, and we'll dive into what to look for in your blood work, the critical numbers, and why they matter. While menopause will be covered in depth, we won't overlook andropause, an equally impactful but less discussed phase. We'll also address muscle, skin, bone, and energy health.
New for Mastering Midlife 2024, we'll explore the revolutionary weight loss medications transforming the landscape. You'll learn how these medications work, what to expect, common issues, and their potential benefits and drawbacks.
Mastering Midlife is about empowering you with the knowledge and providing a clear path to enjoying a healthy, vibrant body in midlife and beyond. Unlike weight loss in younger years, achieving midlife weight goals requires optimal health, which many struggle to maintain. The new medications can help, but without the right education and skills, results can be unsustainable, leading to a psychological rollercoaster.
Join me in Mastering Midlife and gain the information, education, direction, and support needed to achieve and sustain your desired results. Remember, this program is offered just once a year and includes 10 live coaching calls, extensive pre-recorded content, meal plans, workouts, and full access to me for the program's duration.
Don't miss this opportunity to master your midlife and beyond – enroll now!
www.midlifemonth.com  $499

How to test for Leaky Gut

Saturday Jun 01, 2024

Saturday Jun 01, 2024

Symptoms to Watch For:
Chronic diarrhea or constipation
Bloating and gas
Food sensitivities
Skin issues (e.g., eczema)
Joint pain
Autoimmune conditions
Testing for leaky gut, also known as increased intestinal permeability, involves several methods. Here are some common approaches:
1. Lactulose-Mannitol Test
This is a urine test that measures the absorption of two non-metabolized sugars: lactulose and mannitol.
Procedure: The patient drinks a solution containing these sugars. After a few hours, urine is collected and analyzed for the presence of these sugars.
Interpretation: Higher levels of lactulose and lower levels of mannitol in the urine indicate increased intestinal permeability.
2. Zonulin Test
Zonulin is a protein that modulates the permeability of tight junctions between cells of the digestive tract. Elevated levels of zonulin in blood or stool can indicate leaky gut.
Procedure: A blood or stool sample is taken and analyzed for zonulin levels.
Interpretation: Higher levels of zonulin suggest increased intestinal permeability.
3. Intestinal Permeability Assessment
Some tests measure the presence of larger, undigested food particles, toxins, or bacteria in the bloodstream, which should normally be contained within the intestines.
Procedure: Blood tests for antibodies against these particles can be performed.
Interpretation: The presence of these antibodies may indicate that these particles are passing through the intestinal lining into the bloodstream.
4. Stool Tests
Comprehensive stool analysis can provide insights into gut health, including inflammation markers, presence of pathogens, and digestive function.
Procedure: A stool sample is collected and analyzed.
Interpretation: Results can indicate dysbiosis or inflammation, which may be associated with leaky gut.
5. Food Sensitivity Testing
Leaky gut can sometimes be associated with increased food sensitivities or intolerances.
Procedure: Blood tests for IgG antibodies against various foods can be done.
Interpretation: High levels of IgG antibodies to specific foods can suggest increased intestinal permeability allowing food particles to enter the bloodstream.
I discuss leaky gut in many of my online programs, because weight loss becomes VERY problematic due to the inflammation caused (and consquential liver damage) due to leaky gut. 
Would you like to join one of my programs, or are you interested in coaching or brining me into your business?
I would like to hear from you  Jo@theshrinkshop.com

The Best Exercise for Fat Loss

Thursday May 23, 2024

Thursday May 23, 2024

We were jogging in the 80's, kick boxing in the 90's.
The Millennium moved us towards HIIT, and now the fashion (hallelujah)  is to be buff!
But, which is the best exercise for weight loss?
You might have heard that high intensity training burns sugar, or that you have to be a correct heart rate to burn fat.
So why does HIIT burn more sugar (it does) and how can it still be good for fat loss (it is)
Do all these "steps" really matter (yes) and can walking the dog really help with fat loss (yes it can)
In this podcast I explain why some exercises are classed as "sugar burners" and some "fat burners" and which is best for fat loss
My TIGHT28 program starts this Saturday May 25 and there are workouts as well as meal plans and lots (and lots) of coaching.  Click this link for full program details and if you missed it this time, simply email me to be put on the reminder list for next time jo@theshrinkshop.com

Beyond the Macros

Wednesday May 22, 2024

Wednesday May 22, 2024

Registration closes on Friday May 24 for my TIGHT28 program and the first zoom is the following day on Saturday May 25
Memorial weekend is not the ideal time to start a weight loss program (or maybe it is the IDEAL time to start a weight loss program) - but not to worry because all the zooms are recorded so you can go about your holiday weekend and listen the recordings at your own convenience.
Why I built this program.
I am constantly seeing people’s weight loss stall because of foods they were sensitive to
I am constantly seeing people sabotage their weight loss because of their relationship with certain foods
I am constantly seeing people’s weight loss progress trashed because of weekend weight gain, which is so pronounced that it negates all the progress of their week
I am constantly seeing people living with bloating, low energy, joint pain, and depressed moods because of their food.
9 live zoom coaching calls (all recorded)
Lots of pre recorded content on all topics
Meal plans (no gluten, dairy, soy nor added sugar) designed for weight loss
Full access to me for the entire length of the program
My app is free for you forever x
Zoom topics. 
How food sensitivities show up
The peptide craze
Sugar - added sugar, sugar alcohols, artificial sweeteners
How to test for food intolerance or allergy (spoiler - not those home tests!)
Appetite regulators - how to control
Building mini habits for success
VO2 max, HIIT, anaerobic threshold and much more explained
Cardio or weights for fat loss?
Stubborn fat that seems diet resistant
Gluten & dairy - their connection 
GMO and soy - how our foods have changed
Weight Plateaus and rebounds
and I am sure a lot more as I tend to get carried away :)
There are exercise programs for all levels (home and gym)
When I first this program I was astounded by the results! I knew that I needed to offer this program, but I was shocked by the difference it made.
If you have worked with me before, you know I am all about coaching. I am not the coach who just tells you what to do; I am the coach who is going to explain every nuance so that you can make informed changes as they relate to you.
If you have completed my 21 Day Program, this is a really awesome progression.
If you have not done the 21 day weight loss program, no worries because there is a bonus zoom at the start of this program, to bring you up to speed with fat loss, my approach, why is works, how I build meals and more.I only offer this program once a year!
If you missed this program simply email me and I will put you on the reminder list for next time 

The Story of Soy

Thursday May 16, 2024

Thursday May 16, 2024

Soy is an incredibly versatile ingredient with a lot of devoted fans and numerous health benefits. However, it's important to be informed. The soy industry is massive—it's the second largest crop after corn and generates three times the revenue of the NFL. With such big money, not all the information about soy can be trusted.
That soy you are eating is not from the US.
Why the soy fed to our livestock is making them sick
Why is GMO soil so much more reactionary?
Soy an menopause miracle or a long term endocrine disruptor
If you like this podcast, you will love the program that it is part of 
TIGHT28 starts on May 25 - June 22 2024
If you missed the live coaching program be sure to email me so that I can let you know when it comes around again


Your Host - Joanne Lee Cornish

Hey there, it's Joanne Lee Cornish, the face behind the coaching revolution designed for mid-lifers who want results without the science overload or oversimplified weight loss gimmicks.

Imagine short, punchy podcasts that fit your car ride (no holding you hostage for hours on end)—no fluff, just practical insights to leave you inspired. I've been rocking the coaching scene for 30 years, but here's the twist: I'm not here to make you a forever client. I'm a unicorn in the industry, focused on making you self-sufficient.

This podcast is my opportunity to introduce myself and to show you what I am known for, I'll peel back the curtain on my coaching style, spill why I've been successful, and let you decide if I'm your fitness soulmate. Ready for a no-nonsense approach to midlife wellness? Let's dive in.

This is not a "chick" weight loss podcast, almost half of my clients are men. I was a professional bodybuilder, I know how to gain muscle, I know how to get lean and I am 56 years young. I was a trainer at Golds Gym in Venice for 25 years I have trained people that you know and I have succeeded with every body type, every goal type.

Body Compositoin is my arena, I take mind numbing but essential information and transform it into an edge of your seat type of experience. 


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